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What Is Meditation?

Meditation can best be described as a state of inner balance in which our consciousness is not "blurred" by all sorts of thoughts. It is a state of consciousness without thoughts, in which we are fully aware of what is happening around us, but without thoughts and worries, which are largely due to daily stress. Sahaja Yoga is a method of meditation that allows us to establish this state of consciousness without thoughts in an easy way.

"When we think, we think about the future or the past, but not about the present, namely the present is the reality: the past is over, the future does not exist. But in fact we are unable to stay in the present. One thought appears and disappears, another thought appears and disappears and we jump on the crests of the waves of these thoughts about the past or the future." Sri Mataji Nirmala Devi

The silence in the mind during meditation gives deep inner peace and joy. If we meditate regularly, this inner peace can be established in our consciousness. In this way we build a stable physical, mental and emotional balance.

Meditation is Not...


Concentration is an effort to fix the attention on a particular object or idea for a long period of time. The techniques used in visualization are another type of concentration.

Loss of control

Sounds, voices, colors and involuntary movements have nothing to do with meditation or spirituality. These are symptoms of loss of awareness and loss of control over some parts of ourselves.


Exercises, such as postures and breathing, do not constitute meditation. They may help establish some balance if under the guidance of a true master (a realized soul). Their practice without a true spiritual goal only leads to an imbalance in the right channel.

Mental effort

Thoughtless awareness is achieved through the raising of the Kundalini. To get rid of blockages that prevent her ascent, we use the hands and introspection but never mental effort (e.g., the continuous repetition of “I must stop thinking”).