The life of Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi has been unlike any other.
In her childhood her father advised her. He said the only way that human beings can truly find liberation is through Self-realization − a realization of who is their truest self, inner knowledge and transformation. Her father knew, as she had also seen, that liberation is not simply political. Economic and social change does not hold all the answers. Real change comes from within.
Like many around them,the family had fought for and seen the independence of Mother India in 1947, free after hundreds of years of colonial rule. The Union Jack had been lowered and tri-colour rose to take its place. But still, they knew the liberation which held truest meaning was much deeper than just changing flags.
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi was born at a very crucial moment of history.
The world was still reeling back from the aftermath of the First World War and the grey clouds of the Second World War were already looming over the horizon.
Mother India was crying under the British tyranny. Her birth was to mark a new epoch in the Freedom struggle of Mother India!
Her father, Parsad Rao Salve was a successful lawyer and a master of fourteen languages. Well versed in the arts, literature and science, he also translated the Koran into Hindi. He became a prominent freedom fighter and he later became the only Christian member of the Central Legislative Assembly. Her Mother, Cornelia, was the first woman in India to receive an Honours degree in mathematics.
India’s Freedom Struggle Young Nirmala bore the full brunt of the freedom struggle. From 1928 Her parents were regularly in prison. They had made a rule that no one was to shed tears on their departure for the jail, as this would be demeaning. Their parents taught the children to share joy and grief alike. There were no dual standards between the society and the home. Though open minded, the children were brought up traditionally. There was no question of superficiality or compromise. In the absence of Her parents, young Nirmala shouldered the domestic responsibilities, from the age of ten.
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, was married to Chandrika Prasad Srivastava on the 7th of April, 1947. One hundred and twenty nine days later, on August 14th, at the stroke of midnight, India became free.
In her childhood her father advised her. He said the only way that human beings can truly find liberation is through Self-realization − a realization of who is their truest self, inner knowledge and transformation. Her father knew, as she had also seen, that liberation is not simply political. Economic and social change does not hold all the answers. Real change comes from within.
As Shri Mataji’s younger brother H.P. Salve, fondly known as Babamama, recounted: “During the communal riots (at the time of the 1947 partition) there was an occasion when someone knocked at the door. When Nirmala opened it, she found one lady and two gentlemen standing at the entrance looking extremely frightened and scared. They told Nirmala that they were refugees from Pakistan and since one of them was a Muslim, the Hindus were after them, chasing them with drawn swords. Nirmala took them in without a moment’s hesitation and hid them in a room.
H. H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi discovered this process of Kundalini Awakening called Self-Realisation on 5th May 1970 and has since given Self-Realisation to seekers all around the world. The Kundalini Awakening through Sahaja Yoga Meditation changed the lives of millions of people all over the world as she traveled across continents to ensure seekers all over the world get their Self-Realisation.
Sahaja Yoga started with H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi spending Her own money and by selling Her precious jewellery and dedicated Herself for the evolution of mankind.
It was Her perseverance and dedication to the cause of evolution of mankind that today Her disciples are in almost every large city across all major countries. She believed that the kundalini power once awakened within the seeker has the potential to resolve all physical, mental, emotional and spiritual issues.
Seekers who received their Self Realisation felt the cool breeze (vibrations) on their palm and above the head thus scientifically feeling the Kundalini movement within the seeker. Self Realisation has always been the ultimate goal of all religions and spiritual traditions and has been described differently in various religions.